Thursday, April 25, 2013

Publishing FOIA Requests to USDOJ Challenging

ACLU: "CISPA DEAD FOR NOW." It is good news that the U.S. Government will not lawfully examine your emails and every word you type online to your family, friends, banks and other business entities, and be privy to everything you order. What it does unlawfully may be a separate matter. I do not recommend that Americans try to publish Freedom of Information Requests to the USDOJ about disabled relatives who are murdered after weeks of secret arrest in jails and prisons, because such requests may be subjected to surveillance and interference. This video shows that every time I tried to submit my FOIA requests regarding "The Wrongful Death of Larry Neal" (Google it), the data disappeared. I had to ask the management at to publish the document for me. See a poor-quality video that shows my struggles to publish the Freedom of Information Act requests at Years later when I uploaded the video at YouTubes, stalkers prevented me from adding a description. I have the original video and better copies that are much clearer with better audio, although some of my videos were stolen before I was told about CoIntelPro, which uses people one trusts against them.

My "Freedom of Information Act requests to the USDOJ" was published in May 2009, and is at . The USDOJ REFUSED to respond with answers and documents about this covered-up lynching. Please notice the comments at the article (underneath ads). I was PREVENTED from publishing a description for this video years later when I uploaded it at YouTube. I am "America's Most Censored: Mary Neal" But in God I trust.

I published "MORE Cochran Firm Fraud" in my FreeSpeakBlog on April 23, 2013. I edited it on April 24 to add a video of my mother listening to "Because He Lives" and information about why she was assaulted on April 1. Immediately, I received news in my email box about methods to surreptitiously kill Americans with directed energy weapons like I was attacked with in 2012: "Wonder Weapons"
The Cochran Firm was sent to hide Larry's murder by withholding any work whatsoever on his wrongful death case, which they contracted to represent.

I wrote about my directed energy attack in February 2012 in this article:
"Activists, Search Your Computers for Directed Energy Weapons"
I also showed the two towels filled with my blood and tissue that flowed freely from my nose to viewers at Press TV when I was invited to speak about Chavis Carter's death the week of August 13, 2012, shortly after we were burglarized and only our files containing Neals v. The Cochran Firm lawsuits were stolen.

This federal court-declared "immaterial" woman learns something new every day. I did not know anyone in authority cared about people knowing I am oppressed, censored, stalked, and terrorized to hide Larry Neal's murder cover-up. I could not tell, because nothing is done to bring just resolution. However, when I entered my opinion regarding CISPA and my video showing censorship at Google+, I got a response saying that it violates Google's policies and is only visible to me. I don't know if the message really came from Google+ or from cyber stalkers who take over online services wherever I publish. I will ask Google+ and find out. In any case, this secrecy about my brother's murder and efforts to steal or hide my family's EVIDENCE of censorship and terrorism are very encouraging. Apparently, people prefer for the world not to know about secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal and the terrorism his family members endure so that authorities can keep it covered-up forever. Therefore, a few ideas I had pretty much abandoned are back on the table: International Court and the office of the Inspector General. Today's interference regarding my Freedom of Information Act requests proves that although authorities do not care that the Neals are terrorized over a disabled black American who was murdered under secret incarceration, they MAY care if other people know about it and see proof of the censorship. That is the best news I have learned in weeks. Below is my post at Google+ Forums to discover if the denial of publishing really came from Google.

Verifying Google+ Message re Refusal to Publish My Post!category-topic/google-plus-discuss/learn/WLxAiUnhsqw
Hello. I am America's Most Censored - Mary Neal. I published a post at Google+ and got back this message:

Since I have cyber stalkers assigned to contain all online information about my disabled brother's murder while under three weeks of secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003, I want to verify that this is indeed a message from Google+ and not my cyberstalkers. I published a copy of my YouTube video, which I was not allowed to write a description for at the time of upload. It is a film that shows how much trouble it was to publish my Freedom of Information Act requests to the USDOJ for information and records about the mentally, physically disabled American's police kidnapping and murder. I congratulated Americans for not having to worry about CISPA allowing the government to monitor their emails, online business dealings, and personal information without a warrant for a while longer, as the ACLU says CISPA is dead for now. I like to show Americans what life is like when citizens are monitored 24/7 and censored, and nobody can show them better than Mary Neal, who is the most censored individual in this country. Apparently, authorities do not care that my brother was murdered under secret arrest or that my family and I are terrorized, burglarized, assaulted, and censored to keep the dirty secret, but they may care enough to take pangs to hide the crimes against humanity. I was delighted to discover that authorities may care about other people learning about what happened and is continuing to happen to prevent disclosure. I put the forbidden message in an article at my Justice Gagged blog at . It seems strange for Google+ to care about my revealing the censored FOIA video, since it has been on YouTube for years (although the description was denied access), and I write about Larry's secret murder and my adventures battling for First Amendment rights every day plus expose the crimes against my family on Google as they occur. Therefore, I ask that if the message denying me the right to publish my opinion about the temporarily defunct CISPA bill and to expose more proof of my cyber stalking was indeed from Google+, please let me know. Was the message from Google+?

1 comment:

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Verifying Google+ Message re Refusal to Publish My Post!category-topic/google-plus-discuss/learn/WLxAiUnhsqw
Hello. I am America's Most Censored - Mary Neal. I published a post at Google+ and got back this message:

Since I have cyber stalkers assigned to contain all online information about my disabled brother's murder while under three weeks of secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003, I want to verify that this is indeed a message from Google+ and not my cyberstalkers. I published a copy of my YouTube video, which I was not allowed to write a description for at the time of upload. It is a film that shows how much trouble it was to publish my Freedom of Information Act requests to the USDOJ for information and records about the mentally, physically disabled American's police kidnapping and murder. I congratulated Americans for not having to worry about CISPA allowing the government to monitor their emails, online business dealings, and personal information without a warrant for a while longer, as the ACLU says CISPA is dead for now. I like to show Americans what life is like when citizens are monitored 24/7 and censored, and nobody can show them better than Mary Neal, who is the most censored individual in this country. Apparently, authorities do not care that my brother was murdered under secret arrest or that my family and I are terrorized, burglarized, assaulted, and censored to keep the dirty secret, but they may care enough to take pangs to hide the crimes against humanity. I was delighted to discover that authorities may care about other people learning about what happened and is continuing to happen to prevent disclosure. I put the forbidden message in an article at my Justice Gagged blog at . It seems strange for Google+ to care about my revealing the censored FOIA video, since it has been on YouTube for years (although the description was denied access), and I write about Larry's secret murder and my adventures battling for First Amendment rights every day plus expose the crimes against my family on Google as they occur. Therefore, I ask that if the message denying me the right to publish my opinion about the temporarily defunct CISPA bill and to expose more proof of my cyber stalking was indeed from Google+, please let me know. Was the message from Google+?